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Lemon Scented Tea Tree Oil 10ml

Kinvara Skin Care
So many shrubs were called ‘Tea Tree’ by early settlers to Australia desperate to find a plant they could make tea from! In fact this very special lemon scented tea tree is not related to what we commonly call Tea Tree and is in fact a whole other species of plant. It smells similar but different and is a much more enjoyable, uplifting smell. At Kinvara it’s been a firm favourite among our loyal customers, many, many of whom have been in touch to say how much they love this smell and that they associate it with really positive times and memories. There's something about smell that can take us to happy places.
Enjoy this signature Kinvara scent of therapeutic grade essential oil in your burner or diffuser or indeed to your bath water but please do not ingest or add to any Kinvara skincare product as these have been carefully blended and tested as stand alone formulas.
SCENT: Refreshing & energising lemon sherbet smell Directions:Add up to 10 drops to a diffuser or atomiser and enjoy