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Drone Warfare: The Development of Unmanned Aerial Conflict, by Dave Sloggett

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Quay Books
An unmanned aerial vehicle, commonly known as a drone, is an aircraft without a human pilot on board. Its flight is either controlled autonomously by computers in the vehicle, or under the remote control of a navigator or pilot on the ground or in another vehicle. Drone Warfare is one of the first books to examine the development and use of such aerial drones.   Drone Warfare answers questions such as: Why did the United States invest so highly drone technology? When did all that start? What barriers had to be overcome? What was there before drones arrived? What roles did drones play in Iraq and Afghanistan? Were they successful? What new developments emerged during operations? Did they save lives? How many have been shot down and where? Will all air forces be drone based in the future? What other applications may arise in the civilian market?  In a timely publication, Drone Warfare sets the record straight on unmanned aerial vehicles and explores technology and usage around the globe.

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