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Gooseberry Hinnonmaki Green

Future Forests
Gooseberry Hinnonmaki Green
A mildew-resistant gooseberry with larger than average green fruit, Ribes uva-crispa Hinnonmaki Green is a deciduous, thorny shrub of average vigour with a bushy, spreading habit. It grows to 4’/1.2m x 4’/1.2m in 2-5 years. The fruit is large and olive-green, with a sweet, aromatic taste; it can be eaten as a dessert gooseberry or used in cooking. The shrub produces bumper crops. The typical lobed gooseberry leaves are mid-green. Pale green, rather insignificant, self-fertile flowers are borne in spring, followed by berries in mid-July. Plant 5’/1.5m apart, on a short, 4”/10cm, ‘leg’, and cut back the shoots by ¾ of their height in winter; if already pruned, just tip the stems, to encourage branching. Prune in late winter or early spring, as the buds are beginning to break; try to keep the centre of the bush open, like a goblet, for fear of sawfly infestation, and remove any growth from the roots or ‘leg’. Mulch with well-rotted manure or compost in spring to conserve soil-water, and water well in dry periods.
Site: Sheltered, sunny siteSoil: Any light, moist, but well-drained soilPosition: Full sun; tolerates partial shadePick: Mid-JulyKeep: Keeps for a few days in the fridgeHardiness: Very hardyPollination: Self-fertileUses: Eating fresh, cooking – jam, fools, tarts and crumbles
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