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Exochorda racemosa Blushing Pearl

Future Forests
Pearlbush Blushing Pearl
A lovely flowering shrub for a sunny border, Exochorda racemosa Blushing Pearl is a medium-sized, fast-growing, deciduous shrub, with a lovely, arching, rather upright habit. The incised leaves are blue-green. Abundant, white, pearl-like buds with a pink tinge open to simple, saucer-shaped, pure white flowers along the branches in May and June – the branches are almost covered with the flowers, making a striking display. When the flowers go over, a red shoot appears, followed by the lovely leaves. Give this shrub a potash-rich fertiliser and a mulch to conserve soil moisture in spring. Prune after flowering. Pearlbush Blushing Pearl is rather rare in this country, so snap it up!
Site: ShelteredSoil: Deep, moist but well-drained, humus-rich soil; dislikes thin chalky soilsPosition: Full sun; tolerates light shadeSeason of interest: Late spring to early summerHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 6’6’’ (2m) Spread: 6’6’’ (2m) in 10 years