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Children of the Rising: The untold story of the young lives lost during Easter 1916, by Joe Duffy
Quay Books
Children of the Rising is the first ever account of the young lives violently lost during the week of the 1916 Rising: long-forgotten and never commemorated, until now.
Boys, girls, rich, poor, Catholic, Protestant - no child was guaranteed immunity from the bullet and bomb that week, in a place where teeming tenement life existed side by side with immense wealth.
Drawing on extensive original research, along with interviews with relatives, Joe Duffy creates a compelling picture of these forty lives, along with one of the cut and thrust of city life between the two canals a century ago.
This gripping story of Dublin and its people in 1916 will add immeasurably to our understanding of the Easter Rising. Above all, it honours the forgotten lives, largely buried in unmarked graves, of those young people who once called Dublin their home.
“Duffy's unblinking focus on the human cost of the "glorious revolution" has deservedly struck a chord.” - Sunday Times
“Brilliantly researched and beautifully illustrated, Duffy's book is clearly a labour of love” - Sunday Business Post
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