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Calendar Coffee - Percy Pintado | Peru | Filter

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Peach & Milk Chocolate Harvest: August 2021Country: PeruProducer: Percy PintadoRegion: Ihuamaca, San IgnacioProcess: WashedVariety: BourbonAltitude: 1,800 masl  There are so many smallholder farmers producing exceptional coffees in Peru, but the vast majority of these lots are blended together as generic regional blends and sold for much less than they’re worth. The country is known for its certified coffees at low prices, which means producers earn a small premium for the certification, but there is no incentive to produce a quality product. In some areas, the price for certified coffees are so cheap, they bring down the price paid to other farmers that cannot afford certification, but are producing higher quality coffee. This situation is unsustainable, and sadly many producers are leaving the industry because they cannot earn enough to support themselves.  Fortunately, things are changing. There are a number of organisations focused on building the speciality segment by teaching producers how to improve cup quality and rewarding them financially for their investment. With a focus on the North, around Jaen and San Ignacio in Cajamarca, Nordic Approach has teamed up with Origin Coffee Lab and developed programs with a few small communities in the area. The results so far have been impressive. This particular lot, produced by Percy Pintado was a clear favourite of ours when cupping the new harvest, and we’re delighted to share it with you now.  Percy Pintado is a third generation coffee grower from San Ignacio. His farm Rayos del Sol, is five hectares in size, and he has been growing coffee here for seven years. Percy tends to a mix of Bourbon (40%), Catimor (40%) and Caturra (20%), and there’s a small beneficio on the farm where he processes the coffee. Harvest runs between July and September, during which time Percy hires 5 pickers. The coffee is dry fermented for 20- 24 hours before washed and rinsed, and sun-dried on plastic sheets. With flavours of grilled peach, orange and milk chocolate, this coffee is incredibly sweet and well balanced. Perfect for all filter brew methods.  

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