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On Aristotle: Saving Politics from Philosophy, by Alan Ryan
Quay Books
An essential, comprehensive, and accessible guide to the life and works of Aristotle.
In On Aristotle: Saving Politics from Philosophy, Alan Ryan examines Plato's most famous student and sharpest critic, whose writing has helped shape over two millennia of Western philosophy, science, and religion.
The first thinker to posit that a society should be ruled by laws and not men, Aristotle was born in Stagira, Macedon, in 384 BC. He would go on to join Plato's Academy and eventually become tutor to Alexander the Great.
Aristotle’s strongly empirical cast of mind was brought to bear on a stunning range of subjects, from rhetoric to physics, from the history of political institutions and mathematics to zoology and botany.
The resulting system dominated European thought from the thirteenth to seventeenth centuries and Aristotle’s meticulous thinking on the nature of human affairs, ethics, politics, citizenship, and virtue in a civil society remains as vital today as it was in his own time.
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