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Fly By Jing- 10 Year Aged Black Vinegar

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Hens Teeth
Made in Sichuan, brought to you by Fly by Jing - the highest grade of 10-Year Aged Black Vinegar is now stocked in our pantry and soon to be in yours. Made from a mix of premium fermented ancient black grains and an essential in Sichuan cooking that tartness and complexity to every dish, we think she's irreplaceable.AboutJing founded Fly By Jing in 2018, inspired by the amazing flavors of her hometown Chengdu and its famous fly restaurants— soulful hole-in-the-wall eateries so good they attract diners like flies.Fly By Jing doesn't conform to anyone else's notions of value, taste, tradition. It is one person's recipes, one person's vision, and one person's story. With these products, Jing telling you hers.

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