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Rhubarb Glaskin’s Perpetual

Future Forests
Rhubarb Glaskin’s Perpetual
Raised in Brighton in 1920, Rheum x hybridum Glaskin’s Perpetual is a very reliable rhubarb, and quick to establish. The stems are long, thick, bright red, and sweet and juicy with a good flavour. Because it has a low oxalic acid content, it can be picked until late in the year (hence the name ‘Perpetual’) giving it a long season of productivity. Rhubarb Glaskin’s Perpetual is also good for forcing – covering the crown in late December or early January with a rhubarb forcer or a black bin for an early crop of pale, sweeter, deliciously tender stems; allow the plant to recover the following year. Rhubarb is productive for 10 years, and is a very easy, low-maintenance crop. A manure or compost mulch every winter will ensure a good crop; make sure the organic matter does not touch the crown. Remove any flowers immediately.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Fertile, well-drained, humus-rich soilPosition: Best in full sun; tolerates partial shadePick: From March, if forced; April if notKeep: Rhubarb will keep for a few days in the fridgeHardiness: Very hardyPollination: Not applicableUses: Cooking and preserving