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Small Sky Planter

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 These award-winning sky planters give a real lift to those household plants. Made with recycled plastic, these planters are light and they look great hanging from walls and ceilings. To use, unpack the planter, drag and drop in your favourite plant, hang and water. There is a hook and wire so all you need is a step stool and something to hang it from. And with the built in Slo-Flo terracotta reservoir, the soil is kept just right for up to two weeks. Most house plants thrive happily upside down though those that will love it the most include orchids, philodendron, anthurium, pothos, asparagus ferns, monstera, aloe vera, and kentia palm. So decutter that mantle, window sill and table and bring a bit of life into those forgotten corners with these hanging planters for your house plants. We have lots of things to grow and for the garden here at designist.  How does it come?            In a cardboard sleeve. Measures approx. 14 x 9 cm. Pot is a 9 cm pot                                                                                             

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