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Barbeque Fish & Veg Seasoning Bundle

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Great Northern Larder
The secret to a great barbeque is to have beautiful sides and fish dishes rather than just heavy meat dishes. Our Roots rub is simply the best seasoning there is - it goes one everything (especially white meat), but of course it is designed for potatoes, corn, carrots, cauliflower and other popular barbeque veg. The secret is a mixture of flavours including herbs, dried vegetables, and spices. Fish is a game changer. Our most complex recipe by far it includes a range of strong  spices that combine to give a delicate but powerful and nuanced dry rub for all white fish. Mix with flour or simply sprinkle on before cooking. Can also be used to make a beautiful white sauce. Make all your food taste better with Sea Salt - simple as that. It is a premium rock salt that works amazingly over flames, or put it in a salt mill for the perfect fine seasoning salt.

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