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Portraits, by Jorge Arevalo
Quay Books
A gorgeous collection of delightful portraits of the people you love from the world of music, fashion and the movies by artist, Jorge Arévalois, an illustrator and designer who has worked for Vanity Fair, the New Yorker, Rolling Stone, Esquire, Elle, and Vogue.
Burlesque and warm at the same time, Jorge Arévalo’s portraits always manage to convey the soul that hides behind the personality, thus revealing the genuine zeitgeist of our generation.
“I like the unfussy statement of Arevalo’s portraits. A kind of a doodle but super-charged in full colours. His time frame stretches from Dean Martin to Miley Cyrus, the young at heart Dean to the old head on young shoulders Miley…” - The New Yorker, and Beyond
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