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Dr. Wangari Maathai Plants a Forest: A Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls Chapter Book (hardback) - LIBRARY, TO BORROW

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From the world of Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, a historical novel based on the life of Dr. Wangari Maathai, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning activist and environmentalist from Kenya. With breathtaking illustration by  Wangari lives in a magical place in rural Kenya where the soil is rich for planting, the trees abundant, and the nearby pond full of mysterious creatures. She drinks from cool, clean streams and plays beneath her favorite fig tree under her mother's watchful gaze. Then Wangari grows up and goes away to school, and things start changing at home. Farmers chop down the trees. Landslides bury the stream. The pond dries up. The soil becomes overworked, dry, and unusable for planting. And people go hungry. Dr. Wangari Maathai has a simple solution to all of these problems: plant trees. Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: The Podcast · Wangari Maathai read by Melinda Gates What it contains: 1 hardback book, 128 pages Feel great about where it comes from: Raw materials from Europe? Yes - Italy Organic? TBC Manufactured in Europe? Yes - Italy What's it made from? Paper and cardboard only What's it packaged in? Nothing Shipping packaging from manufacturer to us: Cardboard box only Plastic-free? Yes 100% Vegan? Yes Animal-cruelty-free? Yes Reused upcycled or recycled? TBC Feel great about where it goes after you've used it: Biodegradable / compostable? Yes 100% Reusable / refillable? N/A Recyclable? Yes 100% Feel great about you and your child using it: Great for ages: Shelf life: Indefinite Awards: TBC Safety standards met: N/A Solvent-free? Yes Gluten-free? Yes Peanut-free? Yes Soy-free? Yes Lactose-free? Yes Easy to wash-off clothes skin? N/A Improvements we're working on in this product: TBC

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