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Tulip Alexander Pushkin

Future Forests
Tulip Alexander Pushkin
An elegant Triumph tulip named after the Russian poet and novelist, Tulipa Alexander Pushkin has egg-shaped flowers of deep wine-purple with a narrow, creamy-white edge which brings light into the planting. Triumph tulips flower from mid-April into May. The broad leaves are grey-green, setting off the flowers well, and the flowers are borne on sturdy stems. Tulip Alexander Pushkin should be planted in November, to avoid the fungal disease tulip fire, but can be planted as late as Christmas. A good bedding tulip, it can also be planted in pots, and makes a good cut flower. Not suitable for naturalising. Supplied in a pack of 8 bulbs.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any fertile, well-drained soil Position: Best in full sun; tolerates partial shadePlanting period: November to DecemberFlowering period: Mid- to late springPlanting: Depth: 6-8” (15-20cm) Spacing: 4” (10cm)Height: 18” (45cm)
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