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Plant Protein Powder - Tasting Box

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The Kind
The Kelpman SPROUT tasting box contains 4 flavours of FLOW+PERFORM, our Wild Atlantic Plant Protein. Each box contains one serving of 35g and delivers your daily dose of vital Micronutrients. You can choose between Madagascan Vanilla, Smooth Cacao, Wild Strawberry, and Tropical Coconut. This also comes with a unique environmental concept: We provide you with 4 Servings of FLOW+Perform in bio-degradable sugarcane pots. But that’s not all. We also added a complimentary packet of seeds for you to sprout at home in the sugarcane pots, which double as germination pods.Directions: After enjoying the FLOW+PERFORM servings, you can plant the complimentary seeds into the soil in the sugarcane pot. Add a drop of water and pierce a small hole in the lid. Now seal the lid to convert pots into miniature humidity domes. Place them on a warm window sill and watch your Kelpman sprout! After a while, your plant will develop into a traditional Irish species of native Wildflowers. The pot will biodegrade and provide additional nutrients for the seed once transplanted into the soil. The complimentary seeds are a mixture of annual and perennial species. Wildflowers provide critical habitat for pollinators, beneficial insects, and wildlife, which is important for ecosystem function and pollination. Wildflowers can improve soil health, prevent erosion, improve water quality, increase yields and enhance forage conditions for livestock.Organically sourced, non GMO, gluten free, vegan and free from additives and artificial flavouring. Rich in Algae Omega 3 (EPA + DHA) High in B12 Low Carb Protein from 6 sources (Golden pea, Hemp, Chia & Sea greens) 100% Plant based Complete amino acid complex Free from Gluten, wheat, dairy, soy, additives & fillers Non GMO Chemical free Regularly third party tested for heavy metals, chemicals, allergens, heavy metal & pesticides Biodegradable packaging Made in Ireland

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