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Iris chrysographes Black Form

Future Forests
Iris Chrysographes Black Form
From marshy sites in China and Myanmar, Iris chrysographes Black Form is a small, deciduous, rhizomatous perennial with particularly dark flowers. Slender, sword-like, grey-green leaves make an attractive foil to the velvety, exceptionally dark, violet-black flowers, which have a delicate golden streak on the falls. Because the flowers are so dark, this iris looks particularly well when the flowers are displayed against the young fronds of ferns or the young foliage of box. Iris chrysographes Black Form is a beautiful, delicate iris which needs reliably moist soil.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Reliably moist, well-drained soil, preferably slightly acid to neutralPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of interest: May to June in particularHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 20” (50cm) Spread: slowly spreads by rhizomes