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Clematis heracleifolia

Future Forests
Tube clematis, Shrub Clematis
Unusual curled-up tubular flowers on a bushy Clematis that does not climb. Clematis heracleifolia is a fabulous sub-shrub with sweetly scented mid blue Hyacinth like clusters of flowers on top of woody stems. The Tube Clematis is very easy to grow with a long flowering habit that prefers open sunny sites. Clematis heracleifolia has interesting large dark veined foliage most of the year adding texture to the border, followed by the blue flowers which start in mid Summer and continue into autumn. These are followed by fluffy seed-heads giving this plant its other common name, Old Man's Beard. Tube clematis makes a great cut flower and is also very attractive to bees and butterflies.
Site: Tolerant of inland exposureSoil: Any well-drainedPosition: Full sunSeason of Interest: Blue flowers in Summer, attractive foliage most of the yearHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 3ft (1m) Spread: 1.5ft (0.45m)