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Quercus alba - White oak

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Future Forests
Quercus alba - White oak From the north-east US and Canada, Quercus alba is a very large, slow-growing, long-lived, deciduous tree with a wide-spreading, branched habit, rather like that of the common (pedunculate) oak. The bark is pale ash-grey and rugged. The large, deeply lobed leaves emerge pinkish-red, silvery with downy hairs. They turn deep green with glossy upper sides in summer, and in autumn turn purplish-red or brown; some leaves may persist through winter. Unobtrusive flowers are followed, on mature trees, by acorns. A magnificent tree, it’s a wonderful specimen for parkland, but does not tolerate urban pollution. Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any reasonably well drained soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of interest: All yearHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: up to 100’ (30m) Spread: 65’ (20m)

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