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Crataegus chinensis syn. pinnatifida

Future Forests
Chinese Hawthorn Tree
A highly ornamental hawthorn from northern China, Crataegus chinensis syn.pinnatifida is a small to medium-sized, thorny, deciduous tree with strongly cut leaves which turn a rich red in autumn – one of the best for autumn colour. Small white flowers with pink anthers appear in spring. The fruits are like crab apples, bright red and tart, and almost 1”/2.5cm across; they are edible, and are used to make snack foods, jams and wines in China, where they are also used as a digestive aid in traditional Chinese medicine. Can also be used for hedging.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any reasonably well-drained soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of Interest: Spring, summer, autumn, winterHardiness: HardyHeight: 20ft (6m) Spread: 20ft (6m)
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