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Lingonberry Koralle

Future Forests
Lingonberry Koralle
Introduced from Sweden, lingonberries or cowberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) are becoming popular for their high antioxidant and vitamin content as well as for their delicious flavour. Lingonberry Koralle is widely grown commercially; a low, creeping, evergreen shrub, with little bell-shaped, deep pink flowers in late spring and again in summer, it usually bears two crops a year. The wine-red berries are jewel-like, with a sharp, refreshing taste, reminiscent of cranberries, but superior; they make excellent sauces and preserves. Related to cranberries and blueberries, like them lingonberries must be grown in acid soil (pH4.5-5.5) or in ericaceous compost in containers. Good as ground-cover in forest gardens.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Needs moist, acid soil, preferably light or peatyPosition: Sun or partial shadePick: Late August and OctoberKeep: A few days in the fridgeHardiness: HardyPollination: Self-fertileUses: Cooking, preservingHeight: 3’ (1m) Spread: 3’ (1m)