Rosa Partridge - Groundcover Rose

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Future Forests
Rose Partridge - Groundcover Rose A pretty, summer-flowering ground-cover (procumbent) rose with a long period of bloom, Rosa Partridge is a low-growing, vigorous, deciduous shrub rose with a dense, compact, very spreading habit and bright green leaves. In late July and early August, pink buds open to single, pure white flowers with golden stamens, followed by small hips in autumn. The flowers have a medium to strong musk fragrance and are attractive to pollinators. Ground-cover rose Partridge is a good rose for planting at the front of a border, and is an excellent weed-suppressor. Site: shelteredSoil: Any moisture-retentive, humus-rich, well-drained soil Position: Full sun; tolerates partial shadeSeason of interest: Summer and autumnHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 2’ (60cm) Spread: 10’ (3m) after 2-5 years

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