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Rosa Kew Rambler - Rambling Rose

Future Forests
Rambler Rose Kew Rambler
A charming, once-flowering rose, Rosa Kew Rambler is a vigorous, deciduous, rambling rose, not as large as the bigger ramblers, with arching, very thorny stems and a rather stiff habit. The grey-green foliage is divided into slightly serrated, ovate leaflets. In early to midsummer, it bears large trusses of single, rose-pink blooms, with a large white eye, golden stamens and a strong, rich, slightly musky scent; these are followed in autumn by small, orange-red hips. Rambler rose Kew Rambler is small enough to be trained on a wall or pergola, or through a tree.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any moisture-retentive, humus-rich, well-drained soilPosition: Full sun or light, dappled shadeSeason of interest: Midsummer and autumnHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 18’ (5.5m) Spread: 20’ (6m) in 2-5 years
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