James Joyce - The Dover Reader

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A comprehensive, accessible introduction to Joyce's work. Influential and innovative, James Joyce (1882-1941) led the vanguard of 20th-century fiction. Sooner or later, most undergraduates encounter him, and many scholars devote their entire careers to his exuberantly eloquent prose. Joyce's experimental use of language and stream-of-consciousness techniques continues to captivate modern readers and writers, and this anthology offers a first-rate introduction to the Irish author's fiction and poetry. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Joyce's coming-of-age novel, appears here in its entirety. Readers will also find the complete texts of the short story collection Dubliners, and the play Exiles. Additional contents include highlights from Ulysses, universally acknowledged as among the English language's most challenging and rewarding novels, and Chamber Music, an early book of poems.

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