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Carex pendula

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Future Forests
Pendulous Sedge A very adaptable, woodland sedge, Carex pendula is a large, evergreen, clump-forming, vigorous, perennial grass with erect, arching stems and smooth, mid-green, strap-shaped leaves that grow up to 5’/1.5m long. In May and June, long, drooping, rather catkin-like flowers emerge green, ageing to brown, on arching stems held above the clump of leaves. It is better to remove these before the seeds form, as pendulous sedge self-sows to the point of invasiveness, and is not suitable for smaller gardens. Tolerates full sun or shade, and wet or dry conditions – an ideal grass for tough, difficult conditions. Site: Sheltered preferredSoil: Any humus-rich, water-retentive but well-drained soil; heavy, moist clay preferredPosition: Best in partial or full shade; tolerates full sunSeason of interest: All yearHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 5’ (1.5m) Spread: 5’ (1.5m)

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