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Snakeroot - Spirit Soother

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Hens Teeth
Spirit Soother is a flower essence blend handcrafted in the Mojave Desert. This blend of Sonoran and Mojave cacti & wildflowers encourages grounding and integration through bringing one back into their body and creating a sense of calm. You can use this formula when feeling emotionally unstable, erratic, depressed, or cracked open and psychically sensitive. Ingredients: flower essences of ocotillo, buffalo gourd, desert anemone, pink globemallow, brandy, filtered water suggested use: take 3 drops as neededAboutSnakeroot apothecary, was started as a herb+art project in 2014 as “snake oil magic potions.” in 2016 I began working with clients and I switched over to “snakeroot,” inspired by an east coast plant friend & with my clinical work in mind. snake medicine, as I was taught by Karyn Sanders of the Blue Otter School, works with changing our patterns. The work of Snakeroot Apothecary is about getting to the root of our imbalances & changing the patterns of what is not serving us.

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