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Birthday Countdown Calendar

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9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.................. Happy birthday! Let's celebrate your birthday as you deserve, with this calendar to countdown to your special day. Open one window each day, starting 9 days before the your birthday. You shall meet several little friends who want to join your party, so make them welcome to the birthday party at the building terrace!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Londji is a Barcelona-based, toy company created in 2004 that combines art and games, resulting in truly remarkable, imaginative and innovative toys for kids. Looking for more gifts for kids? we have quite a collection. How does it come?In a paper folder. Measures approx. 15x72cm Londji Birthday countdown // londji original toys from Londji original toys on Vimeo.  

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