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"King Oak" Gift Sets of Natural Skincare
Gifted From Ireland
In these gift boxes of natural skincare, "King Oak", there is:-A. Night face cream. 120 ml, rosehip and vit E with ylang ylang, 2 natural handmade soaps 1. ylang ylang with honey and oatmeal, 2. palma rosa and patchouli, an ylang ylang body butter and a lip balm, ylang ylang & grapefruit. B. Night face cream. 120 ml, argan and evening primrose with lavender, bergamot, sweet orange and patchouli, 2 natural handmade soaps 1. lavender & Frankincense Delight, 2. lemongrass with poppy seeds, a lavender body butter and a lavender lip balm.C. Night face cream. 120 ml, aloe vera butter wth grapefruit & patchouli, 2 natural handmade soaps 1. eucalyptus & rosemary, 2. citronella & pine with peat, a lemony body butter and a lemony lip balm. Please feel free to contact us if you want something other than what's stated above in your "King Oak" gift set
King Oak A
King Oak B
KIng Oak C