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Rice Over Everything - Dried Shrimps Powder and Fish Sauce

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Hens Teeth
Dried Shrimps Powder and Fish Sauce chili jar is a tra­di­tion­al Burmese condi­ment and side dish that goes per­fect­ly well with a hot bowl of rice! This can also be used as a dip. Founder, May loves it with a bowl of plain rice and sunny side up fried eggs.AboutThe chili jars are hand made by May. She was born in Bur­ma and now liv­ing in Man­ches­ter. The chili jars were born dur­ing lock­down from her send­ing them to friends and fam­i­ly from near and far to show that she was think­ing of them when she couldn’t see them in per­son. The first batch was such a hit that friends start­ed ask­ing me to sell it to them. May has now expand­ed the range to three dif­fer­ent flavours, for all your chili needs.

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