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The Organic Juicing Box

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Annie's Organic Farm
A mixed veggie box of great juicing ingredients,  Bring a pep back to your step!  Beetroot Carrots   Kale  Spinach  Celery  Apples  Pear Oranges  Ginger Sweet Potatoe  Contents may vary depending on availability  "Juicing organic fruits and vegetables is one of the most powerful health habits you can cultivate. Not only can juicing leave you with an all-natural glow, but it can also help with healing chronic disease and flushing out toxins from the organs. If you're struggling with acne or other aggravated skin conditions, learning to detox your body with the power of juicing is a must. To be successful on your quest for flawless skin, it helps to know what veggies can serve as potent detoxifiers so you can create juice combinations that serve you best."

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