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Rice Over Everything - Original Burmese Chilli Jar

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Hens Teeth
Burmese chilli oil is essen­tial for noo­dle and rice dish­es not only on the streets of Bur­ma, but at Rice Over Everything founder, May's fam­i­ly homes along with many dish­es. The Orig­i­nal Burmese Chili jar is packed with full of rich flavours that you can use dai­ly as a condi­ment or to add more flavour and a kick to your dishes. Great for marinating, drizzle on your noodle, rice and pasta dishes or even on pizza. May loves putting it on my cheese on toast or using it as a dip­ping sauce for my dumplings!About The chili jars are hand made by May. She was born in Bur­ma and now liv­ing in Man­ches­ter. The chili jars were born dur­ing lock­down from her send­ing them to friends and fam­i­ly from near and far to show that she was think­ing of them when she couldn’t see them in per­son. The first batch was such a hit that friends start­ed ask­ing me to sell it to them. May has now expand­ed the range to three dif­fer­ent flavours, for all your chili needs

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