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Jackie Leonards
BOX OF FRESH SEASONAL Irish and European VEGETABLES. CONTAINS IRISH AND IMPORTED SEASONAL VEGETABLES AND POTATOES. Grown and sourced by us from our wide network of Irish farmers and growers. 1 Cauliflower, 1 PP Carrots,1 PP Parsnips, 1Turnip,1 Celeriac,1 Broccoli,1 Beetroot,1Corn on the Cob,1Celery,1 x100 grm mix Chili, 1Cucumber, 1Tomato,1 Cherry Tomatoes,1 Aubergine, 1Fennell Bulb,1 x500grm Ginger,1 red Onion sock,1 yellow Onion sock,1x2.5kg Potatoes, 1 Sweet Potatoe,1Butter Nut squash,1 red pepper,1 yellow pepper,1 green pepper,1 x200grm mushroom.

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