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Hyaluronic Face Serum

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Hyaluronic Acid has powerful anti-aging properties and it is also one of the premier hydrating ingredients for skin, even for oily or breakout-prone skin. 30 ml - Handmade in Ireland Keep in the cool and dry place. NO Parabens, EDTA and SLS. Our Hyaluronic Serum is a mixture of three hyaluronic acids of different molecular weight- high, low and ultra low molecular weight. Hyaluronic acid is a glycosaminoglycan, a vital natural substance that’s a youth-supporting part of skin. As the chief glycosaminoglycan in skin, hyaluronic acid works to keep every aspect of skin stable, safeguarded, and constantly renewed. It has ability to replenish moisture which is exceptionally important when it comes to skin aging. As we age, our skin loses this ability to maintain this vital, plumping moisture as well as it once did, resulting in a loss of firmness, pliability, and a decreased appearance of plumpness and suppleness. Hyaluronic acid can enhance moisture content beyond comparison with anything else, and at the same time revitalize skin’s outer layers so the skin looks and feels softer, smoother, and, especially, radiantly hydrated.  Our Hyaluronic Serum instantly improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. How to use Hyaluronic Acid Serum: After routine cleansing in the evening, apply a small amount of the Hyaluronic Acid to the face and wait for a minute until fully absorbed, use night cream afterwards. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This product contains natural substances of plant origin,  so susceptible individuals may experience allergic reactions.  

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