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JFK in the Senate: Pathway to the Presidency, by John T. Shaw

Quay Books
Before John F. Kennedy became a legendary young president he was the junior senator from Massachusetts. The Senate was where JFK's presidential ambitions were born and first realized. In the first book to deal exclusively with JFK's Senate years, author John T. Shaw looks at how the young Senator was able to catapult himself on the national stage.
Smart, dashing, irreverent and literary, the press could not get enough of him. Yet, largely overlooked has been Kennedy's tenure on a special Senate committee to identify the five greatest senators in American history JFK's work on this special panel coalesced his relationships in Congress, and helped catapult him toward the presidency.
Based on primary documents from JFK's Senate years as well as memoirs, oral histories, and interviews with his top aides, "JFK in the Senate" provides new insight into an underappreciated aspect of his political career.
“A captivating account of Kennedy's often overlooked formative years in the Senate. A fascinating read.” —Senator Robert Casey of Pennsylvania
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