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Three Hills Go Fresh Deodorant Cream

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Rainbow Kids Boutique
A natural alternative that effectively eliminates body odour. Gentle creamy even almost foam consistency ensures easy application without greasiness. Deodorant removes an unpleasant body odour by preventing the bacteria from causing the smell with a slight antiperspirant effect – thanks to added zinc oxide (without nanoparticles). However, your body can still safely get rid of the waste and all the harmful substances by sweating. It does not prevent the body from doing what is natural to it.  The coconut oil and baking soda base are a bacteria checking dynamic duo. Grains of soda bicarbonate are so tiny that they won’t cause any scratches or irritations. Mixed with the moisture-absorbing properties of arrowroot and the antimicrobial properties of the essential oils, you and your pits will never be happier feeling dry and fresh throughout the day. The product is great for all types of skin and suitable for both guys and gals. The fragrance of Lemongrass and Grapefruit is rather lighter than sharp but citrusy fresh and playful.      

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