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Olive Wood Chunks

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Great Northern Larder
Probably best know as the lanky girlfriend of Pop-Eye, but apart from that olive is known to hang around with Porky Pig quite a lot. If you live in Ireland check out our good friends at Olive Pork - they feed olives to their pigs. Then we buy them and smoke them over olive wood! The result is a distinctive rich flavour that you will find hard to stop eating! Weight: 1.5kg approx. Wood Smoking Table You can use any wood to add flavour to almost any meal (esp. pork and poultry), but here are some traditional pairings.  Wood Alder Apple Beech Cherry Hickory Maple Mesquite Oak Olive Orange Peach Pear Pecan Plum Silver Birch Whisky Barrel Walnut Icons from www.flaticon.com

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