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Irish Language Jigsaw Puzzles
from €25.00
Craft Shop
We have a wonderful range of Jigsaw puzzles in Irish to help little ones learning their first words as Gaeilge! There are now 6 Jigsaws in this growing collection: A counties map of Ireland in Irish, a simple farm animal set, an Irish Country scene, a stunning rainbow puzzle for learning colours and an Irish version of our wonderful Seasons jigsaw puzzle. In October 2020, we added the 'At Home' jigsaw with some really useful everyday Irish words. Brilliant for little people (and big people!) learning an cúpla focail!
Irish Scene Jigsaw Puzzle (As Gaeilge)€25.00
Seasons Jigsaw in Irish (As Gaeilge)€25.00
May of Ireland Jigsaw Puzzle Provences (As Gaeilge)€25.00
May of Ireland Jigsaw Puzzle Counties (As Gaeilge)€25.00