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Gone Girl - David Fincher [DVD]

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Golden Discs
David Fincher directs this Academy Award-nominated adaptation of the novel by Gillian Flynn about a husband who is exposed to the glare of the mass media when his wife's disappearance raises suspicions regarding his innocence. Ben Affleck stars as Nick Dunne, a man who, shocked by the sudden disappearance of his wife Amy (Rosamund Pike), is initially happy to make use of the media to try and locate his missing partner. However, when evidence is discovered that potentially incriminates Nick, he quickly discovers the flipside of dealing with journalists as he is subject to trial by TV and print. As everything from Nick's body language to his tone of voice is analysed and discussed by the news networks and the happiness of his marriage is called into question, can Nick hang onto his sanity and the belief that he will one day see Amy again?

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