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Hill Street Blues: Complete Season One - Steven Bochco [DVD]
Golden Discs
All 17 episodes from the first season of the groundbreaking and influential television police drama created by Steven Bochco. Set in an anonymous American city, the show follows the routine work of an under-staffed and overworked police precinct, led by Captain Frank Furillo (Daniel J. Travanti). In this series, tensions are high as the city prepares for a presidential visit; the beat cops are getting edgy as a TV reporter rides with them while he researches a story; and Furillo helps a racist detective clear his name for shooting an unarmed black man. The episodes are: 'Hill Street Station', 'Presidential Fever', 'Politics As Usual', 'Can World War III Be an Attitude?', 'Double Jeopardy', 'Film at Eleven', 'Choice Cut', 'Up in Arms', 'Your Kind, My Kind, Humankind', 'Gatorbait', 'Life, Death, Eternity', 'I Never Promised You a Rose, Marvin', 'Fecund Hand Rose', 'Rites of Spring: Part One', 'Rites of Spring: Part Two', 'Jungle Madness: Part One' and 'Jungle Madness: Part Two'.
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