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Nella the Princess Knight - Cathal Gaffney [DVD]

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Golden Discs
Collection of episodes from the Irish animated series which follows the adventures of Nella (voice of Akira Golz), an eight-year-old princess who also protects her kingdom by transforming into a fearless knight. Accompanied by her friends Trinket (Samantha Hahn), Sir Garret (Micah Gursoy) and Clod (Matthew Gumley), Nella embarks on a series of exciting adventures as she looks to keep her citizens safe. The episodes are: 'Princess Nella's Orc-hestra', 'That's What Best Friends Are For', 'Big Birthday Surprise', 'Sir Clod', 'The Blaine Game', 'Knighty Knight Dragons', 'Inside and Seek' and 'Up All Knight'.

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