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Hit Fitness Safety Squat Bar

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McSport Ireland
The Hit Fitness Safety Squat Bar is designed specifically for targeting and strengthening the lower body. The design of the bar with the safety handles at the front means the bar is also a superb alternative for those with a history of wrist and shoulder injuries as a significant amount of pressure is alleviated from these joint angles. The design forces users to properly engage core musculature to maintain correct torso alignment. FEATURES Safety Squat Bar Heavy Duty chromed and knurled Olympic bar Padded for maximum safety and comfort. Forces the user to maintain correct torso alignment. Ideal for upper back, lower back, and legwork. Great for addressing weak points in the squat. Weight: 24Kg. Colour: Silver. Maximum load Capacity: 270kg Need help in choosing the right Barbell for you? Why not read our Barbell Buying Guide

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