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Walkiddy Funny Dinosaurs Long Sleeved Dress

from €23.95
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Rainbow Kids Boutique
Walkiddy's stunning autumn / winter collection features a host of gorgeous wintry animal kingdom prints.  This beautiful dress is a great choice for the winter and festive season - seasonal but not too Christmassy so you'll get plenty of wear from it.  With long sleeves and a flared skirt.  Fabric: 100% organic cotton  
  • 62-68cm/3-6m
  • 74cm/9m
  • 80cm/1y
  • 86cm/18m
  • 92cm/2y
  • 98cm/3y
  • 104cm/4y
  • 110cm/5y
  • 116cm/6y
  • 122cm/7y
  • 128cm/8y
  • 134cm/9y
  • 140cm/10y

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