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Aviation Gin 70cl

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Wine Online
Made with 100% Rye grain spirit, Aviation gin is made in the traditional Dutsch style of gin making. This is a full bodied style of gin which includes botanicals like coriander, lavender, anise seed, sasparilla, and dried orange peel cardamom and of course juniper berries. This is very much an American style gin, more pungent and heavier than a London gin with a hefty punch of juniper and herb flavour. It really stands out in cocktails and makes a full flavoured gin and tonic. Aviation Gin is a unique partnership between Lee Medoff and Christian Krogstad of House Spirits Distilling in Portland and mixologist Ryan Magarian of Liquid Kitchen in Seattle. Believed to be the first merging of its kind, it was formed from a mutual friendship and passion for good quality spirits and cocktails Tasting Notes: More pungent and heavier than a London gin with a hefty punch of juniper and herb flavour. It really stands out in cocktails and makes a full flavoured gin and tonic.

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