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Topper Harken Race Centre Mainsheet Kit
Viking Marine
Topper one design Harken centre mainsheet system
Improve your performance on the racecourse. Sail faster with the Topper Harken Race Kit. The Topper Harken Race Kit combines the long-lasting reliability of Harken hardware with quality FSE Robline rope for the Topper. The low-friction purchase systems help even the smallest sailors overcome heavy sail loads, so they can focus on proper sail trim.
Kit Includes
(4) Harken fixed head 29 mm Carbo blocks
Sail cloth boom sleeve
Harken 90 degree fixed head 29 mm Carbo block
7 mm mainsheet line (red)
Harken 57 mm Carbo ratchet block
Spring cup
Eyestrap for mainsheet block
(2) Bolts, nuts, washers
3 mm Dyneema line, 0.55 m (floating block on mainsheet)
Dyneema is a registered trademark of DSM Dyneema.
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