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Picea pungens Hoopsii
from €12.00
Future Forests
Colorado Blue Spruce
A relatively slow growing conifer, which is a beautiful addition to any garden, Picea pungens hoopsii puts on a show lasting up to 6 months of stunning blue foliage that can only brighten any garden. Due to its slow growth rate it will be happy in a large container for many years, if lightly pruned to keep its shape. Can also be planted as a permanent Christmas tree in a smaller garden.
Site: Inland exposedSoil: Well drained, will tolerate acid to alkalinePosition: Full sunSeason of Interest: Evergreen, attractive shape and beautiful blue foliageHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 6ft (1.8m) Spread: 4ft (1.2m) in 10 years (up to 30ft in maturity)
Pot | 9cm€12.00
Pot | 3L€12.00
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