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Viburnum sargentii Onondaga

Future Forests
Sargent Viburnum Onondaga
A vigorous, large-growing deciduous shrub. Viburnum sargentii Onondaga produces deep maroon young foliage that matures to green, lobed leaves resembling maple leaves. This foliage creates the perfect background for the red-budded lacecap flowers which open in a creamy-white in May. In Autumn the foliage takes on a fantastic rich reddish-purple colour. Small red fruit is held well into the Winter. The Sargent Viburnum is a worthy addition to any garden as a specimen plant, or for a mixed border providing excellent colour and interest for a large part of the year.Site: Tolerates inland exposureSoil: Well drained soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of Interest: Summer flowers, Winter fruit , Spring and Autumn foliage Hardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 8ft+ (2.5m+) Spread: 5ft+ (1.5m+)