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Campanula rotundifolia - Harebell
Future Forests
Harebell (Méaracán Gorm)
Native wildflower perennial of which folklore suggests that it either grew in places frequented by hares, or that witches used juices from this plant to transform themselves into hares. In any case, it is found in dry grassland, dunes and rock seams forming clumps of small round leaves, with elegant upright stems bearing more oval leaves. The pretty blue bell-shaped flowers of just under an inch show themselves from July to September.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any well-drainedPosition: Full sun to part shadeSeason of Interest: Perennial, small blue bell-shaped flowers, clumping habitHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 3-17in (10-40cm) Spread: 3-17in (10-40cm)
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