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Sorbus aucuparia Asplenifolia
Future Forests
Cut-leaved Rowan
A cultivar of the native Irish rowan or mountain ash, Sorbus aucuparia Asplenifolia is a medium-sized tree of symmetrical, upright habit. Umbels of creamy-white flowers appear in April–May, followed by large clusters of orange-red berries, which hold well on the tree, in late summer. The mid-green leaves are heavily cut, almost fern-like, and turn yellow-brown in autumn. An undemanding tree, which tolerates pollution and wind. Makes a good specimen or avenue tree. Excellent for wildlife, both pollinators and birds.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any reasonably well drained soil, acid to neutral soils preferredPosition: Full sunSeason of Interest: Spring, autumnHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 40’ (12m) Spread: 13-26’ (4-8m)
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