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Corydalis elata - Blue Fumewort
Future Forests
Blue Fumewort
Grown for its true-blue flowers in early summer, Corydalis elata is a small herbaceous perennial with an upright habit. The pretty, divided, yellow-green leaves are a brilliant contrast to the dangling flowers, which appear in May and June. These are cobalt blue, tubular, and scented of gardenia, and in moist soils will go on into mid-summer. Taller, later-flowering, easier and altogether a better plant than the better-known Corydalis flexuosa, blue fumewort has the advantage of not going dormant in summer, although it dislikes summer drought. Good for growing under trees with a light canopy, such as fruit trees, and can also be grown in open ground.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any well-drained, fertile moisture-retentive soilPosition: Partial shadeFlowering period: Late spring and early summerHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 1-2’ (30-60cm) Spread: 1-2’ (30-60cm)
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