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Hebe buxifolia Nana

Future Forests
Dwarf Box-leafed Hebe
A hardy, adaptable little plant, Hebe buxifolia Nana is a small, upright, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with a spreading, branching habit. Neatly arranged, elliptical, glossy, green leaves are similar to those of box. In midsummer, the plant is covered in short spikes of lavender-blue or white flowers, attractive to pollinators. Does best in soil which is not too rich. Hebe buxifolia Nana is an easy, low-maintenance plant, suitable for containers, at the front of the border, or as a low hedge.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Well drained, alkaline to neutral soilPosition: Full sun or light shadeSeason of interest: All yearHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 1’ (30cm) Spread: 1’ 8” (50cm)