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Miscanthus nepalensis

Future Forests
Himalayan Fairy Grass
A very desirable, warm-season, ornamental grass for milder areas, Miscanthus nepalensis is a clump-forming, deciduous grass with an arching habit. Narrow, linear, bright green leaves appear in mid-spring, forming a compact clump, and often turning bronze in autumn. From August to October, beautiful, flowing, honey-coloured plumes appear on slender stems in summer, well above the clump at head-height, persisting into winter. Himalayan fairy grass was once thought to be half-hardy, but it has adapted over the years to cooler climates, although it’s not for the coldest areas, unless it’s grown in large pots and brought in for the winter; a warm, sheltered sunny site is a must even in the mildest areas.
Site: Warm, sunny, sheltered siteSoil: Any moderately fertile, very well-drained soil, preferably moistPosition: Full sunSeason of interest: Summer to autumnHardiness: Doubtfully hardyHeight: up to 5’ (1.5m) Spread: 39” (1m)
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